[TRLog] TRLog SetComm Serial Base I/O Utility

Matthew George matt@qrq.com
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 20:28:01 -0600

> What interrupt do you use? Anyone else with a multiport card
> that can share experiences?
> I hope the program changes but the now available freeware should be

The PCI card I described (and all PCI cards that I know of) only use one
interrupt (or none at all) and the interrupt is typically assigned by
the PCI BIOS ECU.  In some of the BIOS menus you can assign a specified
interrupt for a specific slot, but most users will just let the ECU do
it for them.  With a PCI card that requires an interrupt, you just need
to make sure that you have one available to be assigned to your PCI
card.... it's as simple as that.

When using the card that I described in DOS with TRLog, I suspect that
the interrupt isn't even used as far as I know.

mg NG7M

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