[TRLog] 50-line display

Ted A. Champagne n4tw@arrl.net
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 01:19:39 -0500

Hello, all--

I have used CT at N2MD/W2IB a few times, in the ARRL 160 Contest.  I
decided to use TRLog at my home station, because I think the feature set
suits me better.

CT can make fill use of a 50-line DOS display.  I cannot find in the TR
program or manual any mention of the program making use of any more than
25 lines in a DOS display.  Is there such a capability in TRLog?  If so,
how do I get the program to do it?

Looking forward to using TRLog in the ARRL 10-Meter Contest next
weekend, 50 lines or 25.

--Ted Champagne, N4TW
  Trustee, Northern New York Contest Club W2NNY

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