[TRLog] The elusive TRmaster

Mark Beckwith swca@ionet.net
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 17:46:40 -0600

Hi everybody.  I have finally gotten up-to-date on TR.  I feel like I can
take a stab at some buggs.


causes the program to halt.  TR version 6.46 thinks this is an invalid

Although my CFG file includes the statements



QUICK QSL MESSAGE = <message here>

when I use the ] key to log the contact all the computer sends is "R"
instead of what is in <message here>.

Did I screw it up by assigning the default key for tailending?  I tried
changing the key to something else and then QUICK QSL worked right, AND
also ] tailended right.

By the way, BANGUP job on the manual, Doc - keeping the current Acrobat
Reader in the laptop makes using the manual and multi-tasking to TRlog in a
DOS window a very concise operation.  Muchas G.

Could someone explain the RADIUS OF EARTH command?  Am I missing something?


See you all on 10 CW over the weekend - it is the only band for which I can
put up a halfway decent antenna at my home.  As of last week I now have 5
elements at 50 feet.  I can't wait.

Mark, N5OT

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