[TRLog] Directories in TRlog

Rick Bullon kc5ajx@hotmail.com
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 05:33:45 GMT

Ok guys I'm getting a little better at this I've learned how to back up 1 
dir to run Trlog I have trlog in C:\log under that dir I have 
c:\log\contests I can run TR from this dir with the command ..\tr  but I 
need to go one more dir c:\log\contests\arrl1099. What is the command to run 
it from here?
  I did edit the autoexec.bat file and update the path to include c:\trlog 
at least I think I did it right.
  What is making this a lot easier is I have 2 computers in the shack 1 ( a 
200 MHZ 64 meg machine with 5 gig HD)is for internet email and such 2 (a 
100MHz 16meg 1.7 gig HD) is becoming more and more radio only. So I can pull 
up the advice I get from the list and have it right there on the screen when 
I do the changes on the other machine.
  THanks to all who sent help I'm getting there

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