[TRLog] TR and Cabrillo for SS

Violette, Daniel R Daniel.Violette@West.Boeing.com
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 16:09:34 -0800

1.  ARRL Suggested is not Cabrillo.  It is the old ARRL format that is still
good (for about another year).  Cabrillo has keywords at the beginning of
the lines followed by a colon.  I can look up the web page with the
specification if you'd like.

2.  Your text file reader is probably wrapping the lines.  I think they are
getting out to 80 (or more) characters.  The file is probably not actually
wrapped with line feeds.

73, Dan KI6X

> ----------
> From: 	Scott Robbins[SMTP:srobbins@usit.net]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, December 08, 1999 3:55 PM
> To: 	trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: 	[TRLog] TR and Cabrillo for SS
> I was looking over my ARRL CW Sweepstakes log, output from POST in 
> the "ARRL suggested format" which I assume is Cabrillo.  I notice 
> that the points wrap around to the second line rather than having 
> all of the information on one line.  Is this supposed to be right, 
> or am I doing something wrong? See below for a log excerpt example 
> (I am running TR 6.44).
> 40  CW 08/11/99  0042    806      AE4Y     Q W4PA 82 TN  333  A 68 Ga
>          2
> 40  CW 08/11/99  0051    807      K9OM     Q W4PA 82 TN  570  Q 63 Il
>          2
> Scott Robbins, W4PA
> ===================================================================
>        This is the e-mail address of Scott and Mary Robbins.
>         Visit the TENNESSEE CONTEST GROUP at <www.k4ro.net>
> "Loopy loopy lazy lightning, I must admit you're kinda frightening"
>                                                - Grateful Dead
> The views expressed above do not represent the view of my employer.
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