[TRLog] 10m contest prob

DAVID W WOOD G3YXX@guildford-physio.demon.co.uk
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 07:09:53 GMT0BST1,M3.4.0/02:00,M10.4.0/

Hello List

Fantastic conditions in the 10M contest

A problem however v6.46
On several occasions if I didn't copy the call fully, put ? into
call from keyboard (shft/), corrected with backspace and variety
of editing functions, system would freeze.

solution.  to delete all info and start entry again.

A practical comment.
I did have # set as the tail  end key.  never again!
it is too close to the <enter> and inadvertently got hit on

does anyone know why people insist on using /qrp?  I don't
believe it helps get QSOs, to the contrary as it serves to
confuse.  I gather from friends who've been on big dx-peds that
they find this also.

superb program Tree.  Operating 6 hours of the contest almost
without touching the rig!

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