[TRLog] 10M Contest Log Format?

Greg Fields k0ob@uswest.net
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:26:52 -0600


I was about ready to email my 10M Contest log in when 
I noticed that I seem to be missing my state in my 
exchange sent for each Q. According to the League rules 
each contact must include the complete exchange sent and
received. I only have the RS(T) for my sent exchange and
the not my state, MN. I do have MY STATE = MN in my 
LOGCFG.DAT. I don't see my state in the regular LOG.DAT
or the LOG.CAB that I made. 

Did I do something wrong? Or is this what others have too?
I'm afraid since I don't have my state in the exchange this
could turn into a check log. After such a great contest I 
would hate to do that to myself!

73 and Thanks,

Greg K0OB

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