[TRLog] TR vs. CT features (a wish)

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
21 Dec 1999 23:43:41 -0000

> > * (SCORE window) how many qsos a new mult is worth
> >
> > and
> >
> > * (RATES windows) how long you can stay working a mult
> >
> > Is there something similar in TR?
> As far as I know, no.

I really have a hard time with the value of this feature.  Your 
actual ratio of QSOs to mults at the end of the contest will determine
how much time you should spend working a mult.  Also, it can be argued
that even then, the information isn't too useful - since you can often
spend a few minutes working a mult with no impact to your QSO total
(assuming you are near saturation of people available on the band).

Perhaps I can be talked into adding this as an option (it can go where
the name percentage currently is), but I had to try to talk you guys
out of it first.


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