[TRLog] filter switching

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
28 Dec 1999 17:21:22 -0000

> I recall  that some while ago discussion took part about
> switching rig filters from programmed function keys.
> I can't find anything in the digests.
> is this possible for the ft1000mp?
> if so, how?
> any info welcome - preferably positive.

It is possible to do this by using the special function key commands
to send a message to your radio.  However, since Yaesu uses binary
characters (non printable ASCII) as part of their command structure,
it is much more difficult to do than the Kenwood interface (which 
only uses printable characters).

However, it is maybe possible depending on the actual data that you
need to send.  It would take some experimentation to see if you can
make it work.  


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