[TRLog] CQ160 CW some experience

Ingemar Fogelberg ingemar.fogelberg@swipnet.se
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 21:18:29 +0100

At SM5HJZ we used TRLOG 6.35 during the CQ160 CW contest.
The setup was one PC for RUN and one for MULTI-station networked
together. We also had a packet connection on the RUN-PC.

We had some trouble with the MULTI-PC which ended up
freezed. We had to reboot a couple of times. Don't know why. We even
change PC during the contest, but the problem remained. Maybe it was

Some other issues:

The computer ID is not shown in log if comments (Ctrl-N) are added
during Auto-CQ.

Computer ID would be nice to have in the INTERCOM.TXT file.

Not logging literal QTH for DX is still confusing for some
operators. I have mentioned this a couple of times before.
With our setup it didn't matter what we entered. TRLOG filled in
prefix instead.I still think it would be nice if  TRLOG could
keep whatever the op is entering as  country ID.

Sometimes the score went to zero points during a long time.
Rather confusing and depressing during slow hours :-)

Is it possible to mark packet spots in the band map in
order to see entries comming from PACKET.
Maybe you can use lower case letter?

Sometimes when you are doing S&P and are tuning in to a
frequency that have a band map entry, the call won't show up
automatically in the CALL window. Am I doing something
wrong or is this a minor bug?

73 and thanks for a Great Program!
Ingo, SM5AJV

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