[TRLog] ESC key blues

Kevin Arber karber@smart.net
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 07:41:42 -0500

I am NOT in favor of changing this function.  Escape works well for me and
I do most of my contesting in the S&P mode.  I do not have a problem with
the way escape works for any of the functions.
73, Kevin, W3DAD

> From: CPreddy@aol.com
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: [TRLog] ESC key blues
> Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 8:18 PM
> After using TR 6.35 this weekend I was reminded of some recent
discussion on
> this reflector concerning the means to exit S&P mode. The biggest
problem I
> had was with the ESC key causing unwanted return to CQ mode. I am now
> in favor of disabling ESC for this purpose or letting it be a config
> For us pop-guns in contests like ARRL_DX S&P is not a sub-mode of CQ to
> ESC'ed from, it is the only viable mode. I found myself developing a
> conditioned reflex to slam ESC when something went awry, which it did
> once an hour. The most common failure came when I used F2 to send the
> instead of ENTER to also log the contact, usually because I was not
> sure of the info. Sometimes a subsequent ENTER simply logged the
> while other times it also started to send the exchange again. I was
never able
> to understand the logic for this circumstance. A couple of desperate
jabs at
> ESC and the next guy was likely to get a CQ instead of my call. Ouch.
> again. Ouch again; sore index finger. Since TAB gets you into S&P, it is
> logical to have Shift-TAB get you out. I would love to have another key
> labeled. "Gee, this freq sounds clear. I think I'll try a CQ right now
and see
> what happens" to drop you into CQ mode and start CQ with one stroke. Of
> it might be hard to fit the label on a template..
> An unrelated issue concerning the smileys for new multipliers: Great new
> feature, but it sure would be nice to have a way to refresh the screen
> new mults are worked. Mis-keys aside, the program worked flawlessly and
was a
> joy to use. I more than doubled my score from last year. OK, maybe
> had a little something to do with it…
> 73 
> Carl, KU2N
> --
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html