[TRLog] Clear Band Map display

Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV dl2zav@qsl.net
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 23:43:29 +0100

If I want to get rid of ALL entries, can't I just exit the program, DELete
bandmap.bin, and restart TR?
73, Udo

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: n6tr@teleport.com <n6tr@teleport.com>
An: K3BU@aol.com <K3BU@aol.com>; trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
Datum: Donnerstag, 25. Februar 1999 06:28
Betreff: Re: [TRLog] Clear Band Map display

>> Finally got around playing with packet and TR in ARRL DX contest. Band
map got
>> quickly filled up  with lotsa spots and smiley faces. I was trying to
find out
>> if it can be cleaned, refreshed, or wiped out. I did not succeed. Do I
have to
>> wait 60 minutes (and more junk) for it to go away, or there is a command
>> I can't seem to find?
>You can have it only put the multipliers up.  Otherwise, you have to
>delete them one at a time.

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