[TRLog] send string command

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 09:11:29 -0800 (PST)

> So it appears to me that TR cannot correctly intrepret the serial string
> lines when it has to load them from the logcfg.dat file.  Anyone else
> encounter this or figure out a workaround besides not exiting TR after
> you setup the commands?

I'll look into this.

> 1.  Is it possible to send multiple strings with one command.  for
> example:
> <Ctrl-C> string1 <Ctrl-D> <Ctrl-c> string2 <Ctrl-D>  ?


> 2.  If you should be able to send multiple commands, does there have to
> be a <Ctrl-C>, <Ctrl-D> sequence around EACH command or just surrounding
> the group of commands?

Around each commnd.


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