[TRLog] MN QSO Party http://www.rossiya.net

Sean Warner K0XQ k0xq@amsat.org
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 18:34:06 -0500

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Hello all TR Log devotees!

Next weekend is the Minnesota QSO Party, one of the many contests
supported by TR Log. In fact, Tree was instrumental in helping come up
with the format of the contest, offered many helpful suggestions along
the way. In order to commemorate the return of the MNQP & also to thank
Tree for all the help along the way, we've come up with a little twist
for the plaque/prizes for registered users of TR.

For all categories, each winner is awared a plaque, as well as a small
amateur radio related gift (either RAC CDROM Callbook, registered TR
Log, or ARRL Handbook CDROM) as well as a special gift from the state of
Minnesota. For any registered TR Log user who wins one of the W/VE
categories in 1999, in lieu of the previously mentioned small amateur
radio related gifts,  you may also choose to have as your gift the
lifetime subscription offer that TR Log offers all users , courtesy of
the MNQP.

Full details about the MNQP can be found at http://www.rossiya.net .

Thnaks again, Tree, for all the assistance, for TR Log, & also for
allowing me to post this on the reflector.

Hope to see you all next weekend!

73 de K0XQ


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Hello all TR Log devotees!
<P>Next weekend is the Minnesota QSO Party, one of the many contests supported
by TR Log. In fact, Tree was instrumental in helping come up with the format
of the contest, offered many helpful suggestions along the way. In order
to commemorate the return of the MNQP &amp;&nbsp;also to thank Tree for
all the help along the way, we've come up with a little twist for the plaque/prizes
for registered users of TR.
<P>For all categories, each winner is awared a plaque, as well as a small
amateur radio related gift (either RAC CDROM&nbsp;Callbook, registered
TR Log, or ARRL Handbook CDROM)&nbsp;as well as a special gift from the
state of Minnesota. <I>For any registered TR Log user who wins one of the
W/VE categories in 1999, in lieu of the previously mentioned small amateur
radio related gifts,&nbsp; you may also choose to have as your gift the
lifetime subscription offer that TR Log offers all users , courtesy of
the MNQP</I>.
<P>Full details about the MNQP can be found at <A HREF="http://www.rossiya.net">http://www.rossiya.net</A> .
<P>Thnaks again, Tree, for all the assistance, for TR Log, &amp; also for
allowing me to post this on the reflector.
<P>Hope to see you all next weekend!
<P>73 de K0XQ


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