[TRLog] Need pinout for TS-690 to control via TR

Bob Bruno shock@together.net
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 17:02:09 -0400

Hi all,

I just got a Kenwood TS-690 and want to use my already built control cable
from another rig.

I don't heve the manual for the 690 and I need to know what connector I
need to plug into i.e; ACC1 ACC2 or Remote. Also I need the pinout for
these ports.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Much thanks in advance...

73, cul...
Bob de K2KI (ex KA2UZC)
Highgate Center, VT
Member:St. Albans Amateur Radio Club (STARC)

k2ki@qsl.net;k2ki@arrl.net;the list goes on my friend :)

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