[TRLog] Database help

compcoach@geocities.com compcoach@geocities.com
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 11:44:23 -0700

I need advice.
Since 1988 I have been keeping my general and contest logs in database format. Initially, I used Framework. Now, I have everything in Microsoft Access (and Excel).

I would like to test this database to count my DXCC countries and find the rare ones I've overlooked (no, I don't take DXCC too seriously).  Is there any way to count countries with TR Log? Does anyone have a file like CTY.DAT in DBase or Excel format or something compatible?

Thanks in advance.

=*=* ==*=    =** =**=    =** *    =*= =**** =*= =*== *===
                Ron Angle, Chico CA     
     73 de K6KYJ From the Land of the Seven Dipoles
       (former calls BV1US, KL7FAR, N6DOJ, AB6ZX)

=*=* ==*=    =** =**=    =** *    =*= =**** =*= =*== *===
                Ron Angle, Chico CA     
     73 de K6KYJ From the Land of the Seven Dipoles
       (former calls BV1US, KL7FAR, N6DOJ, AB6ZX)

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