[TRLog] Manual 6.36

D. R. Evans N7DR@arrl.net
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 08:16:27 -0600

I have uploaded a new version of the manual, synchronised to TR version  
6.36(i.e., the current version). 

It can be obtained from links on the TR home page, www.qth.com/tr. 

The change log (changes from the prior release) follows: 



Moved Change Log to separate file.
Synchronised to TR 6.36.


Changed typefaces to be Windows "standard" for now. (There is a problem 
with the Distiller configuration on my main machine that causes Type 1 
fonts to be embedded as bitmaps. TrueType fonts seem to be OK.)
Added table for valid QSO point methods.
Fixed size of text in description of BAND MAP GUARD BAND.
Made spacing between commands uniform in Appendix A.
Added hyperlinks in Chapter 1.
Editorial changes to Chapter 1.
Converted command names in Appendix A to bold typeface.
Forced captions to remain with tables.
Removed some bold entries from index.
Started expanding index. 
Kept Appendix A items in separate vboxes.
Added table of valid exchange types.
Synchronised to TR 6.34.
Made footer flow correctly through document.
Synchronised to TR 6.35.


Now the real work of fundamentally changing the manual begins....

  Doc  N7DR

D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR@arrl.net

"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:

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