[TRLog] various

DAVID W. WOOD G3YXX G3YXX@guildford-physio.demon.co.uk
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 14:16:53 GMT0BST1,M3.4.0/02:00,M10.4.0/

Hello all

I am a relative newcomer to TR and find it amazingly versatile
but naturally with a leaning to US contests.
Having used it with the MIMRAM CG (M0ABC) I bought it myself just
a few weeks ago and have soared up the learning curve!!

I note 3 interesting threads in the digest.

1.   keyer/keyboard.  I prefer to use the keyboard, and certainly
as TR is almost completely keyboard control, and also the rig
from it.  I guess this is one of personal preference.
As a profession, I work as a Physiotherapist (physical therapist
in the US) and run an ergonomic consultancy from my Clinic. 
Naturally I have a professional comment, that is
job variation
Using the paddles should be considered a safety aspect as it
varies the task of logging 200+ QSOs per hour for a single
station!!  Hence reducing risk of RSI

2.  THE 'ESC' KEY.  One of my very early frustrations was leaving
S&P inadvertently - I still do.  My feeling is that the ESC key
should be used to clear the current input field, and that the
'TAB' could be used to toggle between S&P and CQ modes, with an
option of sending CQ automatically on returning to CQ mode by
pressing TAB.  Similar to pressing 'spacebar' to dump the call
and enter S&P mode.

3.   wish list.
Filters selectable from keyboard with user-defined key.
Control of VFO-B from keyboard/keypad - I wonder if this can
already be done somehow?

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Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html