[TRLog] Re:Russian DX Contest

Robert Nash rtnash@netcom.ca
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 15:56:21 -0500

>> TR does count r1mv and r1fj for 10 points, but counts r1an for 5 points
>> cont)
>> why is the ADD DOMESTIC COUNTRY = R1AN line in my logcfg overruyled??
>> 73, Jaap van Dijk, PA4GF.

You are quite right. I should have noticed the that R1AN came up with only 5
You have to add this line
ADD DOMESTIC COUNTRY = CE9 to get the 10 points.
CE9 is the designator for Antarctica in the CTY.DAT file.
A new entry in the CTY.dat could list R1AN separately but then you run the
risk of counting other Antarctic stations as another multiplier. I wonder
how that
fits in the rules?

These little projects just go on and on!

73 Bob VE3KZ

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