[TRLog] Can't abort CW immediately w/ Esc

D. R. Evans N7DR@arrl.net
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 08:02:39 -0600

On 1 Mar 99, at 3:51, Jean Giesler wrote:

> I do the same thing but I use F1 to send my call and then when I receive
> the information I use enter to finish the contact and log the information.
>  Lo and behold I am smarter that the computer- I know the sequence. Jean  

I can guarantee that after the first night more or less without sleep I'm 
not smarter than a bowl of porridge, and it's a mistake for the program to 
expect me to think at all. "Hit <ENTER>" is just about my limit. Trying to 
decide what other keys I ought to be hitting instead consumes more 
processing cycles than I have available by then.

  Doc  N7DR

D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR@arrl.net

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