[TRLog] points/km

DAVID W. WOOD G3YXX G3YXX@guildford-physio.demon.co.uk
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:28:39 GMT0BST1,M3.4.0/02:00,M10.4.0/

re points per kilometre scoring.
First I am having problems as when you save after using ctl-J tr
appears to add the complete data to the old .cfg file. This might
just be me but I will investigate further  when I have time. Have
just set up new European VHF contest an noticed it does not ask
for my locator. An inexperienced op might miss this. I added it
before having phantom qso's. Entering the same square as my
locator (IO91RF) gives 1 point whereas RSGB rules (1998 version)
specify 3 points for contacts in the same square and a conversion
factor of 111.2 km/degree otherwise. Also if you edit the locator
it does not update the score and when I tried out the post
routines the other day I could not find a "rescore" option. The
ability to put the locator in the callsign field is very
useful but is there a method of transferring it to the locator
field to save entering it twice ?

I think that is enough to go on with for the moment - help

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