[TRLog] All Asian DX Contest

Jan-Eric Rehn/SM3CER sm3cer@contesting.com
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 19:51:23 -0000


Today I got a mail from another Swedish contester who had sent his All Asian DX Contest log to JARL by e-mail. He had been using TR and sent the ASCII-files made by TR Log and he got this answer (I have faked the reception number):

- - - - -

From: aacw-admin@jarl.or.jp [mailto:aacw-admin@jarl.or.jp] 
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2000 21:33
To: Xxxxx Xxxx
Subject: Manual:XX2000-12345 (Re: CALL SIGN)

* This is an auto reply. *

Your reception number is: XX2000-12345

Thank you for your participation in the All Asian DX Contest and sending
e-mailed contest log. This mail was sent automatically. Any data included
in the accepted mail will be analized manually later, because the format
of your submission does not meet our recommendation. We are planning to
reject any submissions out of our format in the near future. Please check
our format again on the following url;

If you have any questions about this mail, please send an E-mail to
contest@jarl.or.jp with above mentioned reception number.

- - - - -

What do they mean???

Don't they accept the TR log format???

...and in that case - why?

What shall the TR Log users do - don't participate in that contest anymore or is it anything Tree can do to please the Japaneese???

73 de Jan

SM3CER, Jan-Eric Rehn
SSA Contest Manager - SWEDEN
Contest call: 7S3A
Mostly QRV in MS or MM from: SK3BG - SK3HQ - SK3IK - SL3ZV
SK3BG Webmaster
K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000

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E-mail: sm3cer@contesting.com
ICQ: 11074897
URL: http://www.sk3bg.se/  (SK3BG Club Site)
URL: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/  (SM3CER Contest Service)

*** "Winners never quit, Quitters never win" ***
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
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