[TRLog] minimum need

Paul Erickson paule@sfu.ca
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 12:50:12 -0800

"D. R. Evans" wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 4 Dec 00, at 10:34, Dave Hachadorian wrote:
> >
> > In autoexec.bat, put the following statement:
> >
> >
> > This enables hard disk write-caching, which allows the computer
> > to execute instructions, while the data to be written to disk
> > is temporarily held in RAM. It will solve your problem.
> >
> I know that Dave is a fan of this particular configuration; but I would
> caution you that, if you follow his advice, you do so at your own risk. I
> have personal knowledge of someone who turned on write-behind cacheing
> under DOS and rendered their drive a meaningless jumble of bytes.
> OTOH, I am sure that there are dozens of people on this reflector who, like
> Dave, use this command and have never had any problem with it.
>   Doc  N7DR

Hi Doc,

Then, what is the alternative???
cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca

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