[TRLog] minimum need

kl7ra kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Mon, 4 Dec 2000 22:02:47 -0900

Hi Doc,  great job on the "paperwork",  thanks from all of us.

Doc writes:
>I know that Dave is a fan of this particular configuration; but I would 
>caution you that, if you follow his advice, you do so at your own risk.

>OTOH, I am sure that there are dozens of people on this reflector who, like 
>Dave, use this command and have never had any problem with it.

 I use TRLog to the maxium level using "old" PCs. I have seven machines 
in a serial port network supporting internet spots and log flow.  Each PC is 
also interfaced to each radio for frequency control and runs a voice keyer, 
foot switch, etc.

As TRLog added features and Tree changed the overlay stragety I had to
update the machines. I went from 286 to 486 50Mhz to 486 (66+100) to now
P90. I have a garage full of Junque PCs stacking up.  I'm pretty sure there 
is a limit to TurboPas and TRLog is probably close. The station will run on 
486 (66-100) machines, but the pentium 90's were an added insurance.

If by chance you are like me and chose to use a dedicated PC for contesting
and leave the big bucks Windoze machines for e-mail and trapping virues
then get a 486 (66+) off Ebay or spend an extra 5 bucks and get a P90. You
can buy these junkers from 10 to 30 bucks. I would recommand nothing
slower then 66MHz. Find DOS 622 (it may have it all ready, as a lot of the 486 
machines do.  Fdisk/ format the C drive wiping out all the "stuff" that is usually
on these old drives. Install dos 622 and its files in C:\DOS with the following 
lines in  config.sys and autoexec.bat files: Note- The DOS 622 defaults are 
too low for TRLog.


PATH C:\DOS;c:\log
set TZ=UTC
LH /L:0;1,42384 /S C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE

This will give you a mean, lean fighting machine for contesting without all
the Windows issues you see pop up here on the reflector. TRLog is a 
DOS program after all,  and runs flawless on dedicated DOS machines.  
You can still keep the windows machine on the operating desk as it can
send spots to the contest PC by serial port when operating assisted or
DXing and run a world clock map showing day/night. 

If there is any interest I can post a "how to" guide for anyone who may not 
be a DOS winnie with step by step instructions and links to all the software.    

And if Doc is right and the drive hoses up, whish- 2 points. Buy another one.

73 Rich  KL7RA 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/trlog
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html