[TRLog] Wish to improve SAP mode

w.marty.ray@delphiauto.com w.marty.ray@delphiauto.com
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 08:16:06 -0500

I have the same problem Holger has. I think I almost broke my ESC key slamming
my hand down on it too many times...  8 )

I just wanted to chime in on this because I run QRP and am 75% S&P, so I find it
to be a problem also.


Marty Ray, N9SE

holger.meihsner@t-online.de (Holger Meihsner) on 12/05/2000 03:23:42 PM

To:   "trlog@contesting.com" <trlog@contesting.com>
cc:    (bcc: W Marty Ray/DELCO)

Subject:  [TRLog] Wish to improve SAP mode

Hi all,

in the contest game I'm only a little pistol and so I have to call a
station in SAP occasionally more times. For the fist call I use the
ENTER key. I prefer ENTER because a dupe check is done first. But if he
comes back to another call and if I don't have in mind that I have to
take F1 for the next call and hit in hurry ENTER again my exchange is
sent out. I think it's an embarassing situation and to avoid this
confusion it should be possible to add a EX CFMD NOW KEY.
That means in SAP mode ENTER sends my call each time as long as I
confirm the initial or modified exchange with the EX CFMD NOW KEY
and only right after this my exchange is sent. If he comes back with his
confirmation I can log the QSO with ENTER. If anybody doesn't like this
additional key stroke because he works probably the most stations with
the first call he can leave this feature to FALSE.
I see other advantages too:
1.It is not necessary to use F1- the finger doesn't hang crampful over
the keyboard.
2.If the QSO isn't successful finally it is not necessary to delete the
QSO with ALT-Y.
What do you all think about this? I'm new in TRLog don't have the
complete view yet.

73 Holger DF6LQ

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