[TRLog] Setting date on computer

Grant Mitchell mitchell_g@popmail.firn.edu
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 08:03:28 -0500

Sounds like you might have to replace the CMOS backup battery in your computer.

73, Grant

Rick Bullon wrote:

> Never mind I find my Dos for Dummies book and found the dos command. That is
> what happens when you try this stuff at 3:30 am!!!!
> Still don't know why I could get it set in windows though???
> 73
> Rick
> >>
> >Hello All
> >I am setting up the contest computer in the shack for the 10 meter contest.
> >I noticed that the date is wrong on the computer, it says Jan 4 80! I have
> >tried to change the date in the time date window and as long as that window
> >is opened the date stays set. But when I close the window it reverts back
> >to
> >Jan 4 1980!!!
> >I have done everything I can think of and I can't get it to stay set. I
> >though I checked all the computers to make sure they were Y2K compatible.
> >if
> >that is the case then I can't understand it changing the month also. Any
> >ideas out there?
> >I guess I can run it like it is and change all the dates after the contest
> >but that would be a real pain!!
> >73
> >Rick
> >P.S. the contest computer is a compaq Pentium 100mhz 16 meg ram 1 gig hd
> >running Windows 95
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