[TRLog] SVDVP message / sound card connections

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:11:10 -0500

At 10:25 AM 12/11/00 -0500, Terry wrote:
>What is the standard for the mike connector on a sound card?  The
>plug on the sound card mike is a stereo style - 3 wire plug while a
>standard ham mike only has two wires that matter.

Apparently, in most cases the third wire is to provide DC to bias an
electret microphone.  Doesn't ICOM do this too?  I determined which
connection was involved on my SB-16 card, and made up a microphone plug
that used only the audio line and ground.  Of course, there may be sound
cards with a stereo mic input, so as always YMMV.

73, Pete N4ZR

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