[TRLog] What the....?

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 04:52:19 -0500

At 10:04 PM 12/13/00 -0800, Dick Frey wrote:
>Typing test:
>Type any random four numbers into the call window and hit return.  The mode
>will then be NONCW.  Then type a frequency in KHz into the window,
>preferably on the band you want to operate.  It should return to normal mode
>and band.
>All this is independent of any radio hookup.
>Now, can we move on to something else?

Dick, all that this does is to demonstrate the program mechanism that
causes the problem -- improper setting of a transient variable -- and a
partial work-around.  But I know that in my case, it was NOT due to bad
typing.  Something else was causing the problem.  Fortunately, it did not
happen to me during a high-rate run, when it would have been very
disruptive, but it could have.  

TR is very good about not allowing bad data in the log under most
circumstances.  How hard can it be to trap this particular error?

73, Pete N4ZR

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