[TRLog] TRmanual 6.56

Lee Hiers aa4ga@contesting.com
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 23:35:48 -0500

On 22 Dec 2000, at 22:11, Gilbert Baron wrote:

> Also, in you previous note you said it was on your site but you did
> not give that link either even though the note said it was below.

Gee, you quoted that link when you quoted Doc's message.  Took me 
less than 30 seconds to find to find the manual, using mouse clicks 
from your email...no keyboard entry required...and I've never been to 
his site before!

> > See http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR/drevans.htp for details.

I have gotten the manual from the TR site before, and don't recall it 
being particularly difficult either.

Happy Holidays!


Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, GA


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