[TRLog] unusual exchange

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
4 Feb 2000 23:56:28 -0000

> There will be a Russian contest for kids tomorrow. I am just trying to
> compose  a log.cfg for that one. I need to make TR to log part of the number
> received in the previous QSO plus serial number as my sent exchange.
> Example:
> 123 155 - number received in previous QSO
> 155 211 - my sent exchange where 155 comes from the previous QSO and 211 is
> my serial number. I need TR to actually log that 155 211 as the sent
> exchange.
> Very similar rules are in LZ open but I do not think it is supported by TR.
> Does anybody know how to work that out?

CONTEST = KIDS DAY will always work.


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