[TRLog] 6.48 hiccups

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:50:45 +0000

Just a couple of things while fresh in my mind:

For the first time ever, I'm having trouble with reading frequency from my
Kenwood TS-930 with the PIEXX board.  Had several NONCW mode reports on
screen, accompanied by misreads of the frequency from the radio and
blanking of the detailed stats at the top of the screen (the totals
remained).  Why together?  Who knows, but always cleaned itself up after
1-3 read cycles from the radio.

I also saw it read SSB mode from the radio once - something it has never
done before.  Because the TS-930 does not have a software-controlled mode
switch the microprocessor always reports the mode last sent to it, and it
starts up in SSB mode.  That may have been all this was -- because it
happened at radio start-up.

One weird semi-crash when I went for the quick QSL key and hit the "]"
instead -- it went into a strange state where a single window was on screen
and everything typed into that window was sent as CW.  Hitting [Enter]
returned things to normal.

Some delays noticed, often but not always when hitting CQ-F1, F2 etc. and
the [ENTER] key to log a QSO.  Overlays?  Ran this time in a DOS window
under 98 on a 200 MHZ pentium.

Finally, in POST, when I tried to send a dupe list straight to the printer,
I got runtime error 160 at 0227:152C.  Same thing happened before the
contest when I tried to generate a rate sheet from last years's log.
Printer works fine with DOS edit.com so the port is set up OK.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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