[TRLog] TRLOG & ICOM: no problem

Enno J. Korma cw@dx.nl
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:22:22 -0000

Played a little with 6.48 and my IC765 hooked to the computer. Same 
results as VK5GN: no problem. I could also put the rig into split 
with the minus sign ("-") in front of the frequency when you enter it 
in the callsign field. Works fine for me !!

Enno, PA5EA
Enno J. Korma, PA5EA                  E-mail: cw@dx.nl
P.O. Box 6687, 6503 GD Nijmegen
The Netherlands, Europe               Grid: JO21vt
Home page: http://www.qsl.net/pa5ea

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