[TRLog] Conventional memory and FAT32

Robert Brandon rbrandon@austin.ibm.com
Sat, 26 Feb 2000 20:12:03 -0800

I want to boot a Windows 98 machine to DOS with a floppy disk in order to
run TR.  I formatted a floppy with W98 and included the system files.  Only
problem is, I get about 522K of conventional memory because of a 125K SYSTEM
file that's loading into conventional memory.  When TR starts, it shows 32K,
well below the 100K that's recommended.

I tried making a boot disk with W95 and with DOS 6.22, but those failed to
see the FAT32 partition.  I think my next step is to make a boot disk with
W95 SR2.  Am I on the right path?  Any other ideas?

Robert K5PI

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