[TRLog] DVK in S&P

Igor Sokolov Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 21:13:31 +0500

Do not know abot DVK but you sure can do thet with SBDVP. I always use that.

Igor, UA9CDC
-----�������� ���������-----
��: Tim Gennett <tegennett@SMLY-01.HFS.PURDUE.EDU>
����: trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
����: 13 ������ 2000 �. 17:48
����: [TRLog] DVK in S&P

When operating S&P in CW, if you enter a call sign in the call sign
window and hit enter to advance the cursor to the exchange
window, TR automatically sends your call sign.

Is there a similar function available for phone operation when using
a DVK?  In other words, if I have my call sign loaded into DVK3, for
instance, is there a way I can program TR to send DVK3 after I
have entered another stations call sign in the call sign window and
hit enter to advance the cursor to the exchange window?  I'v tried
various things to get this to happen with no success, and can't find
it mentioned in the manual.

TNX and 73 de K9WX

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