[TRLog] Re: TRLog Digest V3 #137

Doug Smith w9wi@bellsouth.net
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:55:30 -0500

(I was being essentially facetous when I suggested I'd like to see a
Linux version - I sure wouldn't turn it down if it showed up, but I do
have a fair idea of how much work it would be!)

TRLog Digest wrote:
> I think DOSEMU is the best way to go. Has anyone tried it with TR?

I have.  It works, and seems to work reliably.  However, it won't send
usable CW.  Problem being, that under DOSEMU TR can't keep the operating
system from grabbing clock cycles when it wants them for some other
process.  Under (real) DOS, it can.  I should say, I haven't tried to
key the rig under DOSEMU, not sure whether the OS would allow enough
access to the hardware for that to work.  

But for general logging (or entering hand logs) it works fine.
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66
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