[TRLog] Two radio/Ctrl - problem

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
10 Jul 2000 02:23:31 -0000

> However what is potentially most useful is the technique of 
> alternate CQs on radio1/radio 2, which is enabled via the Ctrl - 
> hot key combo. I guess that most who employ this technique, have 
> the CQs butted up against each other with zero delay, but 
> because of the interaction noted above, I have to programme a 
> delay of say 2 seconds between the two CQs. The problem then is 
> that if I get a reply on radio 1 and start my response *before" 
> radio 2 begins to transmit, then the response is sent on radio 2 
> *not* radio 1, which seems counter intuitive. Quite simply I 
> have to wait until radio 2 starts to xmit before sending my 
> reply, which often leads the caller to make a second call or 
> QSY, and defeats the whole process. I cannot see why the system 
> is configured in this way, and wonder if it is intended. Why 
> should a response be sent on what seems to be the inactive 
> radio.?

How do you program the delay?  

Normally, the CQ that is progress is interrupted, and the other radio
is used for the QSO.  

This feature isn't very useful except in very specific circumstances.


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