[TRLog] IARU problem - what to do?

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
10 Jul 2000 02:30:12 -0000

>      Today I came back home after the contest (guest operated), and saw on 
> this reflector the zone/points problem with TR.  I guess I didn't read the 
> rules too carefully and forgot that each qso in my own zone counts as only 1 
> point.  Now I'm wondering if there is any way for me to enter that line in 
> the cfg file and have TR rescore the log.  I don't recall anything in POST 
> that will rescore, but maybe there is.  Before I attempt to go back in my 
> 1000+ Q's and change all zone 6 contacts to 1 point, maybe someone knows of 
> something better that I can do.

To do this - fix your cfg file with MY ZONE = x after the CONTEST

Then rename your log file to something (let's say wrong.dat).  Delete
your .RST file.

Type TR READ wrong.dat and the program will rework the contest with
the correct QSO points.


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