R: [TRLog] IARU problem

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Sun, 9 Jul 2000 23:12:53 -0500

> Was there any kind of run time error code?  Without more information,
> I really have no idea.
Ah...now I remember....

Tree, during IARU, I got a computer crash with a run time error.

I was using 6.49, operating CW in S&P mode, I had entered in WC1M in the
callsign field and pressed Spacebar to dupe check it and got the runtime
error.  (You don't think it was WC1M's di-dah weight setting that caused it,
do you? heheheh)

The runtime error code was 204 at 0CA0:37E9

I had to push the power on/off button to recycle the computer.  It was DITW.

dale, kg5u

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