[TRLog] TR and the GA QSO Party

robert c reisenweber bobreis@juno.com
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 15:00:35 +0100

Gee, what a neat program.  A couple weeks ago, I downloaded the .DOM file
from the GA contest rules site and got the program configured. 
Everything seemed to be working well.

I wasn't sure how to handle the mobile stations that were jumping county
to county.  However, after a quick question was posted on this reflector
Sunday morning, minutes later I received emails on how to log these
stations (Thanks again, guys!) After the contest, I copied all the files
into another folder just for safety reasons before running the Post

Using Windows Explorer, I opened the Gaqsoout.DAT file and edited the
calls from NY4N/M6 to NY4N/CATO as appropriate.  I even had one contact
that the program would not let me enter because I had the county
abbreviation mistyped.  This QSO was entered in the correct place and
subsequent QSO's were renumbered.  Once the editing was completed, I
saved the DAT file and went in and ran POST.  Very smooth operation!  Did
the duping (Yes, two dupes) and then did the summary sheet.  Saved the
summary and log as TXT files and submitted my entry.  No hiccups or

I have two questions though:
1) The multipliers shown on the screen only listed the last half of the
Georgia counties.  If I understand the program correctly, pressing "ALT
G" should switch and the first half of the mults be displayed?  Maybe
there was a CFG statement I missed?  

2) During the PA QSO Party, sometimes the mobile or rover station will
sit on county lines and give two, three or more counties in the exchange.
 How do you handle these one QSO and several mults contacts?

73 de Bob W3BBO

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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
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