[TRLog] Next release

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
31 Jul 2000 18:11:47 -0000

I will send out a new release within the next day to fix the 
Ropocco default RST issue.

Another change will be of interest to some of you.  While on my trip
to Asia - I spent a couple of days with 9V1YC.  James has written
his own logging program which is very easy to use (even I could use
it).  One or two things about the software were very interesting and
perhaps I could learn a thing or two here.

So, there are two new features that will be included in this release.
These are things that some people have asked for before, but maybe
I just needed to see it first hand before I could see what to do.

The first is "LOG QSO WITH SINGLE ENTER".  For those contests (and 
GENERAL QSO MODE) where you don't need to enter something for the
exchange - the QSO can be logged with the first ENTER.  This should
be very useful during the CQ WW SSB contest.  If a change needs to
be made, you can use the up arrow to get up into the editable log
window (an existing feature) and change the data.  A new twist is
that you can now use the down arrow to get out of the edit mode,
in addition to the escape key.

One area I will work on is making the TAB key do the same thing as
Control-F - which I think will make it easier for people to move
around (and Alt-Tab do the same thing as Control-A).

Finally, the command "MOVE UP CALL WINDOW" will move the call window
up one line - so it sits directly below the editable window.  
Furthurmore, the color scheme will match that of the editable 
window - so it looks like an extension to it.  

Another existing command "MESSAGE ENABLE" turns off the CQ EXCHANGE
and QSL MESSAGE from being sent - which might be useful if you aren't
used to the automatic nature of TR.

By enabling all of these features - perhaps TR becomes a different
beast and perhaps is more easy to use for a newcomer.  It also perhaps
matches the operation of some of the other software that people are
used to using.  

I would be interested in any feedback on these new features and possible
refinements to them to improve them.  Heck, maybe I will even map sending
a message to the INSERT key eventually.

If nothing else - with MESSAGE ENABLE = FALSE and LOG QSO WITH SINGLE 
ENTER = TRUE, the program is a much easier thing to use for general
purpose logging where you are sending CW manually.


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/trlog
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html