[TRLog] LONG -- Reflections on first real use of TR LOG, and a few gripes

K5NZ@aol.com K5NZ@aol.com
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:52:55 EDT

In a message dated 6/27/2000 5:35:32 PM, k8bk@speedconnect.com writes:

>>Nonetheless, the bottom line is that I'm somewhat disappointed with TR.
>>For no very good reason, it takes simple functions and makes them
>>complicated.  Additional functionality (beyond what you can learn in ten
>>minutes) requires a major investment in reading and experimenting, and
>>quite a bit of knowledge of MSDOS (surely a rare commodity these days).
>>I've heard it said that "anything worthwhile takes a bit of effort."
>>True -- but I want my effort to go into improving my rig and putting up
>>new antennas.
>>I hope you'll accept my comments in the spirit in which they're
>>intended -- that is, the experience of a newbie, who REALLY wanted to
>>find that TR was wonderful.  I'm still in two minds as to which program
>>to use for the IOTA contest, so please try to convince me ..........

TR can be as hard to use as you make it.  When starting out, use the KISS 
method.  For FD all those keys didn't need to be programmed.  CQ, Report, TU  
what more do you need?  Grab the key if you need to fill.  On SSB TR is 
easier than CT or NA, no hitting the tab key to get to the correct info 
field.  KISS and you will get the hang, add a feature or two each contest and 
you'll be happy you made the switch.

Mike k5nz

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