[TRLog] Omni VI and NONSSB

A. Sewell n5na@telepath.com
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:08:53 -0600


I've been using my Omni VI set up with address 44 and setting the radio in
the logcfg.dat file to IC765.  I use 4800 baud.  Everything seems to work

Alan  N5NA

----- Original Message -----
From: William R Liporace NA2NA <kb2hun@wizvax.net>
To: TR-Log Reflector <trlog@contesting.com>; <: ;>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 11:07 AM
Subject: [TRLog] Omni VI and NONSSB

> I was helping set up a Omni VI and as we are logging calls, we were
> getting the NONSSB response.  I saw a few different replies in the
> archives, but what is the actual fix?  What setting do you use for the
> Omni VI to prevent that response?
> TNX Will
> William Liporace NA2NA           na2na@wizvax.net
> 763 Huntingdon Drive             NA2NA @ K2TR (yccc packet cluster)
> Niskayuna, NY 12309         wliporace@qualityfoodmngt.com
> 518-346-3804 home                518-786-8656 x321 work
> --
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