[TRLog] Russian DX Scoring

Igor Sokolov Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 08:38:06 +0500

I do not know what version you have got Jim because they are  treating
Russian DX contest differently. Try to ADD DOMESTIC COUNTRY = UA  and ADD
DOMESTIC COUNTRY = UA2 and then rework the contest with READ command. TR
should score correctly then...
It is a small bug in your version  of TR.

Igor, UA9CDC

----- Исходное сообщение -----
От: Jim Stevens <k4ma@mindspring.com>
Кому: TRLog <trlog@contesting.com>
Отправлено: 20 марта 2000 г. 02:43
Тема: [TRLog] Russian DX Scoring

> Got on the air for a bit in the Russian DX contest last night.
> I noticed something with TR's scoring that didn't seem right.
> TR was giving me 5 points for Asiatic Russian and UA2 stations.
> As best as I can tell from my reading of the rules if a station was giving
> an oblast as part of their exchange, it should have counted 10 points for
> me.
> Is this really true?
> 73,
> Jim Stevens, K4MA
> k4ma@mindspring.com
> --
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