[TRLog] Direct-IO

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 05:57:05 -0800

For those of you using Windows XP or 2000 - TR will have some problems.

One of the biggest problems is that when it tries to access various 
hardware ports, they really aren't there.  When running a DOS program
under these "operating" systems, there is a virtual machine setup 
instead of a "real" machine.  

There is a handy program I have found that will allow you to "connect"
the virtual machine to the real machine.  Check out www.direct-io.com.

When using this program, you will need to setup the IO addresses you
want to connect and which programs will have this connection made
for them.  The program would be TR.EXE and the following IO addresses
should cover you for the serial and parallel ports:

3F8-3FF (typically COM1)
2F8-2FF (typically COM2)
3E8-3EF (typically COM3)
2E8-2EF (typically COM4)

3BC-3BF (typically LPT1)
278-27B (typically LPT2)

Also, TR tries to write to port 40 to setup the CW sending timing.
You will need to enable that port as well.

All of these addresses are in HEX.  I haven't tested TR in this 
environment, so there are no guarantees.  Please share any results
you have with the reflector.  Enabling port 40 and running TR will
be interesting.

Also, direct-io is a neat little program.  If you find it useful, 
please contribute the $29.

73 Tree N6TR

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