[TRLog] Dupecheck and Auto CQ

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 06:21:28 -0800

> Tree
> Would it be a huge programing hassle to enable the ability to edit the 
> BAND-MAP during AUTO-CQ? When things are slow this would be a great time to 
> go in and remove the ones you've already worked.  As it is when I want to 
> do BAND-MAP clean ups  I now continually manually hit the function key that 
> I would ordinarily  incorporate in the AUTO CQ so I can access the BAND-MAP 
> while the MANUAL CQ is running.

It was pretty easy to add this.  It hasn't been battle tested however, so
let me know how it works.  I do know that a CQ won't start while you are
editing the band map, but it should start right up when you exit the edit


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