Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 21:24:42 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, James P. Cassidy wrote:

> Tree, It was very baffling how it worked until that Q.  Is this something
> fixable?  Does the ARCI test file share the number issue with other tests? 
> Or are they all done seperately?

The ARCI contest uses the RSTPossibleDomesticQTHAndPower exchange.

It is the only contest to use that one.  

> Just thinking of the otjher poor souls that I QSOed as I recently rejoined
> ARCI and ended up with my 35 year old NR 398 !

I think the problem is that 398 can also be an RST.  If your number was 698,
it would probably work.  So - if you have a number that looks like an RST, 
you need to put a leading zero on it.


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