[TRLog] moving files

Rick Bullon kc5ajx@hotmail.com
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 06:41:44 +0000

Ok the none of the boxes in the attributes were checked, so I checked the 
archive box. I can list the logs in windows with Notepad but I still get the 
"Access Denied" error in dos.
The files have indeed been moved as I have removed the hard drive that they 
were originally on from the machine. The machine as I stated in my earlier 
post is a 500Mhz machine running windows 98 SE. I have both a 5 gig hard 
drive ( the main drive) and a 1.5 gig hard drive in the machine. I was 
hoping to make the slave drive an all dos drive and run all my dos programs 
from that.
Any one know where I can get a copy of real dos? I have been told that the 
last real dos was 6.22 and that dos 7.0 is really windows acting like dos. I 
don't think anyone sells a real dos anymore. I am not very good at dos or 
windows but I am learning.
At least now I know the logs were not lost in the move.
Thanks All

From: "GilBaronW0MN" <gbaron@charter.net>
>To: "Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com>, <TRLog@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [TRLog] moving files
>Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 19:47:44 -0600

Go to My Computer or Explorer and check the attributes of the files. Make
>sure they are not marked read only. Make sure you actually moved the data
>and not just links or shortcuts.
>What is the operating system you are now using?

>From: "GilBaronW0MN" <gbaron@charter.net>
>To: "Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx@hotmail.com>, <TRLog@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [TRLog] moving files
>Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 19:47:44 -0600
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-trlog@contesting.com [mailto:owner-trlog@contesting.com]On
> > Behalf Of Rick Bullon
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 16:16
> > To: TRLog@contesting.com
> > Subject: [TRLog] moving files
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello All
> > I just moved all of TR-Log and all files from the hard drive in
> > the old dead
> > logging computer to the new logging computer. Everything looks
> > fine but when
> > I try to access my old contest logs I get an "Access Denied" error.
> > So what did I do wrong or not do? I installed the old hard drive into 
> > new computer and dragged the LOG file from the old drive and
> > dropped it into
> > the new drive. Yes I used windows to transfer the files.
> > TR seems to run fine in the dos mode but I want to make sure the old 
> > got transferred over to the new hard drive. I can see them in the
> > dir in dos
> > but I can't access them.
> > The new machine( actually it is the new old machine) is a 500 mhz 
> > running windows 98SE
> > 73
> > Rick
> > KC5AJX
>Go to My Computer or Explorer and check the attributes of the files. Make
>sure they are not marked read only. Make sure you actually moved the data
>and not just links or shortcuts.
>What is the operating system you are now using?

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