[TRLog] Frequent lock ups

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg@contesting.com
14 Dec 2001 18:51:19 -0800

I'm new to TR... have 6.60.  I am playing in 
the 10m contest in an attempt to get used to it all.

I am having frequent lock-ups - everything freezes. 
Even CTL-ALT-DEL doesn't work. Need to do a hard 
reboot.  I thought it might be RF (although I have NO 
problem with NA or CT in exactly the same environment) 
so I sprinkled a few ferrite cores around.  Eventually 
I got it to lock up even when I wasn't transmitting - 
I was just checking things in the CTL-J screen, or 
playing with SCP.  Has happened at least a dozen times 
in an hour of operating.

In an effort to keep things simple, I eliminated all 
the ramdisk/himem/etc. calls I had and then rebooted.  
Problem still occurs.

Any suggestions?

73 Mike N2MG

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