[TRLog] TR in ARRl 10

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 06:07:32 -0500

At 08:01 PM 12/16/01 -0800, Tree N6TR wrote:
>Did you have a disk cache running?
>> Then, on Saturday, I needed the SBDVP, so I restarted in a full-screen DOS
>> window under Win98, stopped all background tasks except Systray and
>> Explorer, and went the rest of the way in that configuration.  The screen
>> seemed to respond much more crisply.  Odd that it isn't the other way
>Win98 gives you a disk cache.

OK, that explains it.  I don't like SmartDrive, and so don't use one under
DOS.  I'm sure it was just disk drive delays I was seeing.  

Will F2 send the Repeat S&P Exchange even after the QSO has been logged?
As long as the call field is empty?

73, Pete N4ZR

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