[TRLog] POST problem in ARRL 10

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg@contesting.com
17 Dec 2001 14:12:53 -0800

What was "POST" populating with that request for 
section... the exchanges in the log, or the section 
field in the Cabrillo summary?

There's a difference.

Mike N2MG

On Mon, 17 December 2001, Ron K6KYJ wrote:

> When POST prompted me for my ARRL section, I just 
> put in the state value (CA).  All is well and gone 
> to contest heaven.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Jim Duffy [SMTP:w6eu@jps.net]
> Sent:    Monday, December 17, 2001 7:38 PM
> To:    TR Log Reflector
> Subject:    Re: [TRLog] POST problem in ARRL 10
> My TR ver. 6.60 also produced the POST bug:
> All my QSOs came out with the SENT exchange as being SV instead of CA
> Fixed it and resent to ARRL.
> Jim
> W6EU

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